What is an Online RN-to-BSN Program?

An RN-to-BSN program is a program for nurses who have either their Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) or, less commonly, a nursing diploma, and want to advance their education to get the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN). One of the benefits of an RN-to-BSN program is that it can be completed online.

RN-to-BSN programs are shorter than traditional BSNs, and builds on the skills and knowledge that the nurse has already obtained. They are able to be offered online because nurses have already gone through some clinical training in their ADN, as well as in their jobs as registered nurses.

There's a big industry push for all nurses to have a BSN and there's a growing number of RN-to-BSN online programs available as a result. Plus, the average nurse stands to make over $15,0001 more per year with a BSN. Not to mention it can open up more career opportunities.

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